Welcome to PyAvia

PyAvia is a collection of modules useful for common tasks in aerospace engineering or engineering in general. Some things to note:

  • In code snippets, it may be assumed that PyAvia has been imported as follows:

    >>> import pyavia as pa
  • Code examples are shown in the repository under examples/.


CAVEAT COMPUTOR - These modules are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind. They are intended to be read and/or used by people trained in engineering and scientific methods who know how to verify results and who can recognise incorrect values when they see them… which will happen frequently.


The current version is 0.0.3. PyAvia is designed for Python >= 3.9 and is platform agnostic.


At this stage PyAvia is extremely preliminary, alpha, pre-release, etc. Structural changes may be made to the code at any time that will almost definitely break third party code. Please don’t get cross.

Indices and Tables